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Helping reduce
single-use-plastic by providing grants for water refill points

Supporting non-for-profit organisations, community projects, and outdoor spaces.

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Target projects to be funded
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Funding available
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Projected plastic bottle savings

What is the Freefill Grant Scheme?

The Freefill Grant Scheme is available for applicants from UK based community organisations. However, we welcome applications from a wide variety of groups and entities. Our aim is to provide partial funding for water fountain installation projects where other funds are also being sought or are already in place.

Empowering Sustainable Choices for a Healthier Planet

Encouraging Refillable Water Bottles through Water Stations

Our aim is to reduce the negative impact of single-use plastic water bottles by promoting the use of refillable water bottles through water refill stations.

Creating a Positive Impact in the UK

Freefill focuses on supporting non-profit organisations, community projects, and outdoor spaces in the United Kingdom. The organization aims to create a positive impact by funding over 50 new water refill stations by the end of 2023.

Proud Support from Hydration Experts for a Sustainable Future

We're proud to have the support from hydration experts The WCD Group and trusted provider MIW. Together, the organisations work towards a future where single-use plastic bottles are history, and communities make sustainable choices for the planet's benefit.

"The human race will regret it if we don't act on plastic now."

Sir David Attenborough